Overdraft Loan Protection

Avoid the frustration of declined transactions and bounced checks.

Meridia has your back when your checking account is empty

We’ve all been there before: at a restaurant, the dentist, or worst of all, the checkout line at the grocery store, and your debit card is declined. Or, you find out later that your check has bounced. Fortunately, you won’t have to experience that embarrassment when you have Overdraft Loan protection (OLP) with Meridia.

OLP conveniently ensures your checking transactions are covered, avoiding hefty merchant and credit union fees if your account balance runs a little short.


  • Eliminates embarrassment by avoiding a merchant declining your transaction.
  • Uninterrupted coverage if you lack sufficient funds, up to a predetermined limit.
  • Avoids excessive merchant and credit union fees.
  • No cost if you don’t use it.
  • Make advances for free with E-notice

I’ve had times just before pay day when I needed to buy something. OLP kicked in and covered me if I didn’t have enough in my checking account.  I could either pay the OLP balance off on pay day, or if funds were a little low still, stick to the low monthly payment.  – Peter F.

Additional Information


Checking  transactions are made in $100 increments to cover the item up to your predetermined limit.  You can also take advances via a teller. There is a nominal charge for each advance which can be waived if you opt for E-notices.

Be Financially Responsible

We encourage you to manage your finances responsibly and use OLP as an occasional safety net. Always be aware of your account balances, pending transactions and activity in your account.

How do I get an OLP?

  • Simply complete a loan application online, or in person at one of our branches
  • Verify your income using:
    • two recent pay stubs
    • two years of tax returns if self-employed
    • or, your pension or social security benefit statement if retired


Lines from $500-$3,500As low as 17.95%

APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Overdraft Loan Protection is a line of credit on your draft checking to protect from overdrawing or to use as a quick loan.

Updated February 11, 2025


per advance
Loan Late Charge
Other fees may apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Overdraft Loan Protection (OLP)?

OLP is a convenient “safety net” we provide on your checking account. An advance from OLP will be made in $100 increments to cover an item, up to a predetermined limit.

Why would I want Overdraft Loan Protection (OLP)?

OLP saves you the inconvenience and embarrassment of having purchases denied at point of sale and is a convenient source of funds to cover everyday expenses when you’re running short.
– Protects you from steep non-sufficient funds fees
– Protects you from late payment fees and returned check fees
– May help protect your credit rating from the negative impact of slow or late payments

How much does Overdraft Loan Protection (OLP) coverage cost?

We will charge you a fee of $1.99 each time we pay an overdraft.This fee is waived if you opt in to receive E-Notices. There is no fee to keep OLP coverage on your account and no fee if you never use it.

Why does Meridia charge Overdraft Loan Protection fees?

The $1.99 fee is charged to cover the cost of processing the notice we are required to provide if an advance is made.

When can I schedule an appointment to close my loan?

Outside of our regular lobby hours between 9am and 4pm, we have Saturday loan closing appointments available to be scheduled between 9am and 12pm at our Southwestern Branch. Appointments can also be set between 7am and 7pm Monday through Friday at our Southwestern Branch.

Back-up your checking account with OLP

OLP conveniently ensures your Checking and Checking Plus transactions are covered for everyday check and debit card transactions, to avoid hefty merchant and credit union fees if your account balance runs a little short.